MycoRAW™ Blue Masa Corn Meal 1.5oz


  • Light to dark bluish purple
  • Fine to medium textured powder
  • Naturally gluten free
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • 1.5 oz packet


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MycoRAW™ Blue Masa Corn Meal 1.5oz

Organic MycoRAW™ Blue Masa Corn Meal 1.5oz, can be used in any BRF Tek or PF Tek Cake, as well as, any other recipe that is calling for corn meal, in their mushroom substrate. Aged  for 1 year, to start breakdown as mushrooms, are a secondary decomposer, or the mycelium is, to be more specific.  This means it likes to break down food that has already been broken down once. While the cornmeal itself could be considered the first step decomposition, we have noticed higher yields letting our corn meal age for 1yr+ prior to use. Cornmeal typically comes in yellow or white form, but this blue cornmeal is an eye-catching variant and has 20 percent more protein than white or yellow corn.

What’s this cornmeal all about?

Used in Hippie3’s original forum PF Tek AKA Super Tek Recipe. Over the years, people became lazy and didn’t do the research themselves to find his full recipe. The blue corn meal he used turned into any corn meal and that’s the recipe we see floating through the forums. Well, at we did our research and Hippie3’s original recipe used blue corn masa aka blue corn meal, not yellow or white corn meal. We have sourced this quality organic corn meal and repackaged into a smaller package so everyone can afford to try the SuperTek method and not break the bank, and not have 10 pounds of corn meal leftover!

Contents: Blue Masa Corn Meal 1.5 oz


  • Light to dark bluish purple
  • Fine to medium textured powder
  • Naturally gluten free
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • 6oz packet